We endeavor to make returns a hassle-free process for our customers. Our approach is to handle returns on an individual basis, with the aim of ensuring our customers are satisfied and fulfilled with their purchase experience.
If you wish to return an item, please reach out to us within 30 days from the date of your order purchase or product delivery, and we will authorize the return. In order to receive a full refund, the item(s) should be in their original packaging and in brand new condition. We handle each return request on a case-by-case basis with the aim of ensuring our customers' satisfaction.
We cover the initial shipping costs for our valued customers, but please note that customers are responsible for the return shipping and it is non-refundable. If there is nothing wrong with the product(s), the initial shipping fee may be deducted from the order.
We understand that circumstances may arise that prevent customers from initiating a return within the initial 30-day period. As such, we are pleased to offer store credit or exchanges for returns made after 30 days. However, we kindly request that all items be returned no later than 90 days from the original purchase date in order to receive store credit.
Returned or exchanged items must be in NEW condition and must include all original hardware and packaging materials that were included with the item.
If the returned item is found to be used or missing any parts, it may not be eligible for return, or a 30% restocking fee may be deducted from the refund amount. Please contact us before returning the item so we can better understand your case. Our goal is to handle each return case with fairness and reasonability. We highly value each of our customers and aim to earn your loyalty for future shopping experiences.
Please note that all refunds may take up to 10 business days to process once we receive the returned item.
Please contact us with the tracking information of your return for updates on the status of your refund.
If you wish to return an item, please reach out to us within 30 days from the date of your order purchase or product delivery, and we will authorize the return. In order to receive a full refund, the item(s) should be in their original packaging and in brand new condition. We handle each return request on a case-by-case basis with the aim of ensuring our customers' satisfaction.
We cover the initial shipping costs for our valued customers, but please note that customers are responsible for the return shipping and it is non-refundable. If there is nothing wrong with the product(s), the initial shipping fee may be deducted from the order.
We understand that circumstances may arise that prevent customers from initiating a return within the initial 30-day period. As such, we are pleased to offer store credit or exchanges for returns made after 30 days. However, we kindly request that all items be returned no later than 90 days from the original purchase date in order to receive store credit.
Returned or exchanged items must be in NEW condition and must include all original hardware and packaging materials that were included with the item.
If the returned item is found to be used or missing any parts, it may not be eligible for return, or a 30% restocking fee may be deducted from the refund amount. Please contact us before returning the item so we can better understand your case. Our goal is to handle each return case with fairness and reasonability. We highly value each of our customers and aim to earn your loyalty for future shopping experiences.
Please note that all refunds may take up to 10 business days to process once we receive the returned item.
Please contact us with the tracking information of your return for updates on the status of your refund.